How is CNC financed?
CNC gets no money from the Church of England, or any other organisation, and is completely funded by donations from its members. It is their generosity that makes everything we do possible. However, nobody should feel that they need to give money to the church in order to be part of the life of CNC. Our giving also includes our time, and sharing our skills, knowledge and experiences.
How can I give?
We do not have collections in our Sunday services, so if you would like to make a financial contribution you can do so by cheque, bank transfer or direct debit. Please contact our treasurer Colin Brown on You can also give directly via the parish giving scheme here
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aid adds 25p to every £1 donated. Bargain! All you need to do is download this form, fill it in and either hand it in to one of the leaders on a Sunday.